sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

Nightlife Nightlife

Ah shit, Glass Candy rocks. I haven't been out at night for a little while. Well not the 20 hr, gram of coke, next day bars and having stupid fun with new friends kind of night anyway. I kind of miss it. Justice have just released ANOTHER single off the recordwithoutakeyonthekeyboardforthetitle, everything is hotting up here in madrid, and last summers friends are coming out of the woodwork again. Last summer with the ed-banger thing, new MIA stuff and not having anything get in the way of tuesday nights, it was like riding this wave of new faces and stupid conversations for three months. I was splitting up with my ex, who lived in london anyway, and was just enjoying my new flat and flatmates. THen the Vice thing happened which was kind of half unexpected and half totally fucking worked for, and the winter has passed equally as quickly just with other focuses. My girlfriend Flo for instance, who i really cant find anything bad to say about acosted me in the first party we through here, helped me through leaving my flat, put me up and we started working together on the kind of projects i always wanted to be doing but seemed totally out of reach. I've broken computers, lost all my music, been dancing around to new bands that sound like old bands and old bands like the Make Up, Black Lips and Telepathe that keep drawing a line through reality like the raised bump on the other side of a piece of card when you score it with scissors. I've been to London, Portugal, Valencia, and Barcelona so many times it's starting to feel like a torrid second home.
Talking of homes. I had a chat with my new flatmate clara last night, the normal thing about getting fucked up. Isn't it wierd how you always get to that chat before talking about yr parents or whatever. It's like the obligatory new house icebreaker.


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