martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

The View From Here

On a thursday night 2 maybe 3 weeks ago i DJ'd at a friends party in a karaoke bar in a car park. I also lost my phone within 5 minutes of walking in which has left me excomunicado for the last bit. (I'm not greatly bothered by this, but i should probably look into sorting it out soon). The idea behind the party was to have a few different dj's playing four or five tracks in in rotation. The only problem was they'd booked about 10 people to play and hadn't really thought it through or cleared it properly with the people who's night it originally was. Whatever. So although i only played 3 tracks (Russ Chime's Afterburner, More Fire's Oi and DJ mania's Sobrevivente do Rave) i did get a chance to listen to everybody else play theirs. What surprised me is that it was almost exclusively italo and electro. There isn't even a club that plays italo in Madrid, and all of these kids from supposedly different scenes had exactly the same fucking records. It was a bit weird, but i guess you had to be there.
Even more surprisingly for me was that the musical highlight of the evening was hearing Tom Tom Club's Genius of Love. I felt like i was 14 and Jason from Freeboy had just put on Dweeb's cover of Beat Me, at the Mad Sheep Club. (yes that's what cambridge's indie disco was called). I'd totally forgotten what an amazing track it is.
Anyway, possibly because of the astrological phenomena surrounding 2012 facilitating synchronicity as a sign of the human race's impending evolution, but more likely because she's got good taste and works in a record label, my friend Ana has just released a track that sounds more than a little like Genius. It's called San Valentin and is as poppy as a whole sachet of Fizz Wizz washed down with orange fanta, but i can't stop listening to it.