sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009


Delante del hecho de ti
All possibilities, are realised
Delante del hecho de ti

Shall we make a plan,
To see each other next week?

Today i walked past a Crazy Man in the street
Clicking his fingers
as he talked to himself about you.

Do you bore, like a teapot,
Of filling and being filled

You have pushed my teeth apart with your perfect teeth.
have unzipped your leather jacket,
have dropped your flowery dress at your feet.

Tiresias, The lack in me.
Is not what you desire.
Is there no lack in you?
No bald spot.
No gap in your smile

To you, the giving of gifts
Is a quaint tradiition.
lightly ridiculous:

As you give you take
as you wax you wane
as you surge you lull.

Yours is not the simple dichotomy
Of dark and light.

Yours is not cohabitation, nor metaphysics.

You are a new moon.
Sickle sharp and dropping
a fingernail of light over

Wolves. Sheep and men
below you on the black and white fields

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009


In cocaine users i've heard,
that the heart is scarred from years of attacks
so small you never notice.

The surgeon left a con-trail from your ribcage to your pubis.
on either side the staples, mark cats eyes
to the white line.